Why the Feather?

Why the Feather?

I'm frequently asked why I chose a feather as my logo. I'd like to take this opportunity to share my rationale with you. In ancient traditions, feathers generally represent freedom from mental and physical concerns, spiritual connection, ascension, balance, and...

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Gift Joy This Season!

Gift Joy This Season!

Thank you for your commitment to your holistic well-being this year. Wouldn’t you like to see all of your loved ones experiencing the joy of feeling elevated in some way as well? Considering holiday gifts? Material possessions bring fleeting happiness. Choose a gift...

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Your Invisible Power

Your Invisible Power

When you work with me, we delve into intuition and explore its significance as well as practical applications of it in your everyday life. If you haven’t worked with me yet or listened to my radio or podcast interviews on intuition, I’d like to answer a few critical...

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Six “What If’s” to Help You Thrive

Six “What If’s” to Help You Thrive

Life is about transitions that require us to define, redefine, or refine our direction. Consider six propositions and learn about action steps to help you honor your uniqueness and move forward in a more authentic and satisfying way in my latest article, Six "What...

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Five Signs It’s Time to Leave Something

Five Signs It’s Time to Leave Something

Is it time to leave a career, relationship, or circumstance that no longer serves you? Knowing when to leave something is critical if we want to thrive in this lifetime. Learn about five signals that indicate that you may want to "Go!" in my latest article, Five Signs...

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Be The Peace You Want to See

Be The Peace You Want to See

We've been witnessing unprecedented violence and tragedy in the Middle East. As a result, hate crimes across the globe have greatly increased. As a diagnosed Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), I have greater central nervous system sensitivity to physical, emotional, or...

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Six Ways to Practice Authentic Living

Six Ways to Practice Authentic Living

Research shows that authenticity is a prerequisite if you want to thrive. Given all of our external influences, it has never been more challenging to achieve. Read about how authentic living supports your well-being in my latest article, Six Ways to Practice Authentic...

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Retain Your Rawness + Evolve

Retain Your Rawness + Evolve

You want to retain your rawness and evolve. Books can help you to do this. Here are a handful of books worth considering. Want more options? Contact me to schedule a FREE 20-minute session to brainstorm several other choices specific to your interests.

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Ready to try this SPECIAL OFFER?

Ready to try this SPECIAL OFFER?

Human beings are emotional creatures. Sometimes, our emotions get out of balance or we don't process them. As a result, they remain stuck in our energy field.  I've recently been receiving more requests for flower essence therapy as a remedy for balancing emotions. In...

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Are you a nose breather or a mouth breather?

Are you a nose breather or a mouth breather?

Your breath is one of the most powerful healing modalities you have. Learn about how the way you breathe impacts your nervous system and the potential benefits of nose breathing rather than mouth breathing in my latest article, 10 Benefits of Nose Breathing (and How to Do It), published by Spirituality & Health magazine.

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Dare to Accept Yourself? – Read my latest article!

Dare to Accept Yourself? – Read my latest article!

Ancient carvings got me thinking about and pursuing self-knowledge and self-acceptance. Read about how to overcome the challenge of self-acceptance that goes hand-in-hand with knowing oneself in my latest article, Six Easy Tips to Help You Accept Yourself, just published by Spirituality & Health magazine.

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The Best Gifts 2022

The Best Gifts 2022

Flattered to have been invited to contribute to Spirituality & Health magazine’s recent feature Best Gifts 2022! In it, I share two mind-body-spirit gift ideas that my clients have appreciated. One is from my carefully curated Reading List. The other is one of my...

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Do you resist meditation? — Read my latest article!

Do you resist meditation? — Read my latest article!

Meditation has the power to both protect and restore your mental, emotional, and ultimately physical well-being. Yet many people resist it, even those of us who enjoy it. Read about seven reasons that may explain why in my latest article, 7 Reasons You Resist Meditation (and What to Do About Them), published by Spirituality & Health magazine.

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6 Ways to Shift from Believing to Knowing

6 Ways to Shift from Believing to Knowing

Have you ever considered the extent to which you believe? Believing is not the same as knowing. Read about how the universe guided me to differentiate between the two, eventually cultivate the latter, and six tips to help you to do the same in my latest article, 6...

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8 Ways to Stop Blaming COVID

8 Ways to Stop Blaming COVID

Life is about who we choose to be in the face of what happens to us. Read about how the challenges of COVID can be channeled differently depending on your perspective and eight ways to help you to cultivate a creator mindset in my latest article, 8 Ways to Stop...

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Thinking About Gifts? Read my feature!

Thinking About Gifts? Read my feature!

Flattered to have been invited to contribute a feature to Spirituality & Health magazine's recent section on Giving Experiences! In it, I share four ideas for holistic giving, meaning ideas that will benefit your loved one's overall well-being. To surprise your...

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Five Tips to Support Change with Flower Essence Therapy

Five Tips to Support Change with Flower Essence Therapy

Lockdowns are being lifted, but even the happiest transitions can test us emotionally. Returning to a more actively engaged lifestyle can challenge recently established patterns and result in emotional imbalances. The use of flower essence therapy to harmonize mind, body, and emotions dates back to Ancient Egypt and can support you through change. Read about how I discovered the power of this modality, all you need to know about it, and some tips to support you during this time in my article, Five Tips to Support Change with Flower Essence Therapy, just published by Spirituality & Health magazine.

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Memento Mori — An Ancient Practice for Living

Memento Mori — An Ancient Practice for Living

In seventh grade, I was introduced to a powerful ancient practice for living. At that time, practicing Memento Mori, which requires contemplating one’s mortality, seemed both morbid and not applicable to me. But as an adult faced with the reality of life’s impermanence, it’s clear that this practice isn’t about death, but about truly living. Read about this ancient technique for embracing life and be reminded of your most valuable asset.

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Six Steps to Ignite Your Power of Intention

Six Steps to Ignite Your Power of Intention

Do you know that New Year’s resolutions often fail? And that setting an intention, or practicing sankalpa, is a far more powerful alternative to manifest what you want? Read about the whys, how to determine your intention, and how to transform it into your desire in...

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Protect Yourself From SAD!

Protect Yourself From SAD!

We’re in a transitional season. Do you find it beautiful, yet cringe at the same time? Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) describes a spectrum of depression. The reduced level of sunlight in fall and winter may cause winter-onset SAD. This deficiency may disrupt your...

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5 Tips to Strengthen Your Intuition

5 Tips to Strengthen Your Intuition

People like Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, and Nikola Tesla (among others) have all credited intuition as the secret to their success. Intuition is a form of personal power that is all too often overlooked. Every one of us could access our intuition more readily or…

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How Can You Dispel Fear?

How Can You Dispel Fear?

COVID-19 has us receiving many transmissions of fear. Fear causes stress and anxiety. Vibrating in these emotions makes our immune system become suppressed at the worst possible time. How can you dispel fear? Spirituality & Health Magazine just published my...

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Should You Chase a Thief?

Should You Chase a Thief?

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” – Henry David Thoreau On this day, I’m seated in a van on Mexico’s highway #307 on the last leg of my travel to a solo retreat in Tulum Mexico. Admiring the palm trees, I’m excited to have swapped a...

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Self-Care Secrets For Your Busy Lifestyle

Self-Care Secrets For Your Busy Lifestyle

U.S. Census Bureau data suggests that health is a far more powerful determinant of an individual's happiness than income, marital status, age, or any other factor. Self-described "healthy" people are 20 percent happier than average. How do you remain healthy while...

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The Importance of Play

The Importance of Play

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” – George Bernard Shaw Whenever I change my environment, I always return home to a revelation about my life. Now that I’ve readjusted to being in New York after visiting with friends in...

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How Grateful Are You?

How Grateful Are You?

"Gratitude is the Abracadabra of the universe." -Adironda, Marilyn Harper It was crowded on the Canal Street subway platform. I was waiting to take the Q train home after having dinner with a friend. It’s not unusual to find musicians performing in New York City’s...

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Nice Surprise!

Nice Surprise!

Nice surprise in my Inbox! Happy to see Spirituality & Health Magazine putting my story out to the world. It was the lead article in their current e-issue. See article in...

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A Mountain Pose That Claimed My Career

A Mountain Pose That Claimed My Career

Happy #InternationalYogaDay! Thrilled that Spirituality & Health Magazine chose to publish my article today. It’s the story of my retreat to a hut in Tulum in order to do some soul-searching. While there, I decided to take a yoga class. What happened next changed...

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An Urban Shaman

An Urban Shaman

"The skyline of New York is a monument of splendor that no pyramids or palaces will ever equal or approach."   – Ayn Rand Places call us, and we begin an exciting journey that is an exploration of both the place and our Self. By the time I was four years old, I was...

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The Power of Water

The Power of Water

“Pure water is the world’s first and foremost medicine.” – Slovakian proverb Have you ever noticed the effect on your energy when you are near a body of water? I first noticed a transformative element in water when I was a young child. My family and I spent summers at...

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Who Are You?

Who Are You?

 “Know Thyself” – Socrates The better you know your Self, the more prepared you will be to take full responsibility for your mind, body and soul. Once you witness the extent of your ability to command all aspects of yourself, you will see how empowered you are....

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Why the Feather?

Why the Feather?

I'm frequently asked why I chose a feather as my logo. I'd like to take this opportunity to share my rationale with you. In ancient traditions, feathers generally represent freedom from mental and physical concerns, spiritual connection, ascension, balance, and...

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Gift Joy This Season!

Gift Joy This Season!

Thank you for your commitment to your holistic well-being this year. Wouldn’t you like to see all of your loved ones experiencing the joy of feeling elevated in some way as well? Considering holiday gifts? Material possessions bring fleeting happiness. Choose a gift...

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Your Invisible Power

Your Invisible Power

When you work with me, we delve into intuition and explore its significance as well as practical applications of it in your everyday life. If you haven’t worked with me yet or listened to my radio or podcast interviews on intuition, I’d like to answer a few critical...

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Six “What If’s” to Help You Thrive

Six “What If’s” to Help You Thrive

Life is about transitions that require us to define, redefine, or refine our direction. Consider six propositions and learn about action steps to help you honor your uniqueness and move forward in a more authentic and satisfying way in my latest article, Six "What...

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Five Signs It’s Time to Leave Something

Five Signs It’s Time to Leave Something

Is it time to leave a career, relationship, or circumstance that no longer serves you? Knowing when to leave something is critical if we want to thrive in this lifetime. Learn about five signals that indicate that you may want to "Go!" in my latest article, Five Signs...

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Be The Peace You Want to See

Be The Peace You Want to See

We've been witnessing unprecedented violence and tragedy in the Middle East. As a result, hate crimes across the globe have greatly increased. As a diagnosed Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), I have greater central nervous system sensitivity to physical, emotional, or...

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Six Ways to Practice Authentic Living

Six Ways to Practice Authentic Living

Research shows that authenticity is a prerequisite if you want to thrive. Given all of our external influences, it has never been more challenging to achieve. Read about how authentic living supports your well-being in my latest article, Six Ways to Practice Authentic...

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Retain Your Rawness + Evolve

Retain Your Rawness + Evolve

You want to retain your rawness and evolve. Books can help you to do this. Here are a handful of books worth considering. Want more options? Contact me to schedule a FREE 20-minute session to brainstorm several other choices specific to your interests.

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Ready to try this SPECIAL OFFER?

Ready to try this SPECIAL OFFER?

Human beings are emotional creatures. Sometimes, our emotions get out of balance or we don't process them. As a result, they remain stuck in our energy field.  I've recently been receiving more requests for flower essence therapy as a remedy for balancing emotions. In...

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Are you a nose breather or a mouth breather?

Are you a nose breather or a mouth breather?

Your breath is one of the most powerful healing modalities you have. Learn about how the way you breathe impacts your nervous system and the potential benefits of nose breathing rather than mouth breathing in my latest article, 10 Benefits of Nose Breathing (and How to Do It), published by Spirituality & Health magazine.

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Dare to Accept Yourself? – Read my latest article!

Dare to Accept Yourself? – Read my latest article!

Ancient carvings got me thinking about and pursuing self-knowledge and self-acceptance. Read about how to overcome the challenge of self-acceptance that goes hand-in-hand with knowing oneself in my latest article, Six Easy Tips to Help You Accept Yourself, just published by Spirituality & Health magazine.

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The Best Gifts 2022

The Best Gifts 2022

Flattered to have been invited to contribute to Spirituality & Health magazine’s recent feature Best Gifts 2022! In it, I share two mind-body-spirit gift ideas that my clients have appreciated. One is from my carefully curated Reading List. The other is one of my...

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Do you resist meditation? — Read my latest article!

Do you resist meditation? — Read my latest article!

Meditation has the power to both protect and restore your mental, emotional, and ultimately physical well-being. Yet many people resist it, even those of us who enjoy it. Read about seven reasons that may explain why in my latest article, 7 Reasons You Resist Meditation (and What to Do About Them), published by Spirituality & Health magazine.

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6 Ways to Shift from Believing to Knowing

6 Ways to Shift from Believing to Knowing

Have you ever considered the extent to which you believe? Believing is not the same as knowing. Read about how the universe guided me to differentiate between the two, eventually cultivate the latter, and six tips to help you to do the same in my latest article, 6...

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8 Ways to Stop Blaming COVID

8 Ways to Stop Blaming COVID

Life is about who we choose to be in the face of what happens to us. Read about how the challenges of COVID can be channeled differently depending on your perspective and eight ways to help you to cultivate a creator mindset in my latest article, 8 Ways to Stop...

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Thinking About Gifts? Read my feature!

Thinking About Gifts? Read my feature!

Flattered to have been invited to contribute a feature to Spirituality & Health magazine's recent section on Giving Experiences! In it, I share four ideas for holistic giving, meaning ideas that will benefit your loved one's overall well-being. To surprise your...

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Five Tips to Support Change with Flower Essence Therapy

Five Tips to Support Change with Flower Essence Therapy

Lockdowns are being lifted, but even the happiest transitions can test us emotionally. Returning to a more actively engaged lifestyle can challenge recently established patterns and result in emotional imbalances. The use of flower essence therapy to harmonize mind, body, and emotions dates back to Ancient Egypt and can support you through change. Read about how I discovered the power of this modality, all you need to know about it, and some tips to support you during this time in my article, Five Tips to Support Change with Flower Essence Therapy, just published by Spirituality & Health magazine.

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Memento Mori — An Ancient Practice for Living

Memento Mori — An Ancient Practice for Living

In seventh grade, I was introduced to a powerful ancient practice for living. At that time, practicing Memento Mori, which requires contemplating one’s mortality, seemed both morbid and not applicable to me. But as an adult faced with the reality of life’s impermanence, it’s clear that this practice isn’t about death, but about truly living. Read about this ancient technique for embracing life and be reminded of your most valuable asset.

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Six Steps to Ignite Your Power of Intention

Six Steps to Ignite Your Power of Intention

Do you know that New Year’s resolutions often fail? And that setting an intention, or practicing sankalpa, is a far more powerful alternative to manifest what you want? Read about the whys, how to determine your intention, and how to transform it into your desire in...

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Protect Yourself From SAD!

Protect Yourself From SAD!

We’re in a transitional season. Do you find it beautiful, yet cringe at the same time? Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) describes a spectrum of depression. The reduced level of sunlight in fall and winter may cause winter-onset SAD. This deficiency may disrupt your...

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5 Tips to Strengthen Your Intuition

5 Tips to Strengthen Your Intuition

People like Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, and Nikola Tesla (among others) have all credited intuition as the secret to their success. Intuition is a form of personal power that is all too often overlooked. Every one of us could access our intuition more readily or…

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How Can You Dispel Fear?

How Can You Dispel Fear?

COVID-19 has us receiving many transmissions of fear. Fear causes stress and anxiety. Vibrating in these emotions makes our immune system become suppressed at the worst possible time. How can you dispel fear? Spirituality & Health Magazine just published my...

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Should You Chase a Thief?

Should You Chase a Thief?

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” – Henry David Thoreau On this day, I’m seated in a van on Mexico’s highway #307 on the last leg of my travel to a solo retreat in Tulum Mexico. Admiring the palm trees, I’m excited to have swapped a...

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By subscribing, you will receive actionable monthly mind-body-spirit wellness insights directly to your in-box.