In order to honor your unique talents and life path, you want to remain raw. This requires you to trust your instincts and continue to actively develop your intuition (your ability to feel energy). Regularly rebalancing and recharging yourself in nature and with animals helps you to do this.

While remaining raw, life simultaneously asks that you evolve. As you expand and grow, it helps to keep an open mind and remember that you live in a world of energy. This means that you are receptive to both seen and unseen influences. There are many things yet to be scientifically proven.

Books can help you to both reconnect with your rawness and evolve. These last weeks of summer (another month to go) are the perfect time to enjoy a thought-provoking book. I’ll certainly be taking several with me when I finally check out for a few weeks. 😉

Do you find yourself thinking about the past or anxious about the future? Ever wondered about the Buddhist principle of reincarnation? Have you contemplated the possibility that your emotions may impact your health and/or the prospect of self-healing? Interested in learning more about the power of and consciousness of water?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, here are a handful of books worth considering:

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss
You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
Your Body’s Many Cries for Water by Dr. M. Batmanghelid
The Hidden Messages in Water by Dr Masaru Emoto

Not quite what you had in mind, already read them, or want more options? Contact me to schedule a FREE 20-minute session to brainstorm a few other choices that will align with your specific interests and open your mind.

We are here to enjoy the journey, cultivate self-acceptance, and grow. Make it happen.;)

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