“Gratitude is the Abracadabra of the universe.”
-Adironda, Marilyn Harper

It was crowded on the Canal Street subway platform. I was waiting to take the Q train home after having dinner with a friend. It’s not unusual to find musicians performing in New York City’s subway system. But on this evening, I was greeted by a magician. 

The magician performed his magic act in silence, except for an occasional “Abracadabra!” This invocation seemed to create magic. Seemingly out of nowhere, white, pink, and red roses appeared in the palm of his hand.

Watching his performance reminded me that I had been sensing magic, meaning unexpected positive happenings, in my life. While on the ride uptown, amidst the shuffling of people, announcements, and annoying tone alerting riders of the closing doors, I wondered what our “Abracadabra!” is. What creates magic for us?

I had recently been feeling deeply grateful for the opportunity to build my coaching business. Being creative and helping others thrive makes me feel complete. The answer hit me:

Feeling gratitude and no need for anything to be different is your “Abracadabra!”. 

In other words, gratitude produces the good vibes that generate abundance. Hence, the ability to manifest welcome happenings in your life is all about how grateful you feel. This revelation is a pretty big deal.

Our conditioning (see March blog post, “Who Am I?”) leads us to chase after how things should be rather than appreciate what is. 

I’m as guilty of this lack of presence as any of my clients. It’s a behavior that I’ve consciously worked on and have made some progress with. In my July blog post (see “A Life You Don’t Need To Escape”), I wrote about my experience creating a life I am so present with that I don’t feel the need to break away

The month of August leaves me feeling profoundly grateful for my family, health, friends, clients, life experiences, and opportunities for growth. That’s not to say that a disappointment or two hasn’t come up. When they occurred, I retreated to the beach for the afternoon. Inhaling the sea spray led me to the realization that there are lessons inherent in every situation. By the end of the day, being in nature helped me to understand what they were.

I moved towards even deeper gratitude.

Afterward, unexpected clients, publishers, friends, and even invitations to savor these final days of summer by the sea appeared.

One of those offers was irresistible. I’ll be away for the next few weeks, disconnected from electromagnetic devices, feet up, taking in a good book, the salt air, and feeling grateful.

Thank you to the magician and every person who has touched my life during the magical moments of the past year.

Abracadabra! 😉

Since ancient times, September has been viewed as the beginning of the spiritual new year by several different cultures. A sense of new beginnings is palpable. To book a private session with me in order to explore what gratitude can begin to manifest for you this fall, please go to Contact Me! on the right sidebar or below (depending on device).

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