Therapist? Life Coach? Holistic Life Coach?

Therapist? Life Coach? Holistic Life Coach?

The nuances between a traditional therapist, life coach, and a holistic life coach are unclear to many people. A life coach is not a therapist, and a life coach differs from a holistic life coach. I’d like to take this opportunity to clarify the distinctions for everyone.
Engaging with a therapist is a longish-term process where a client works with a healthcare professional to diagnose and resolve challenging beliefs, behaviors, and feelings by focusing on past traumas and issues. The goal is to change self-destructive habits, improve relationships, and work through painful feelings and memories to create a happier future.
life coach is a trained but not healthcare professional. They work with clients for varying terms to clarify goals and identify obstacles and problematic behaviors in order to create actions to achieve desired results. The present moment is the starting point for moving forward. Life coaches help people evaluate their lives and take actions to refine them towards their desired goals.
There will, at times, be overlaps between the roles of a traditional therapist and a life coach. However, the right practitioner for a client depends on their needs as outlined above.
holistic life coach uses an integrative approach that considers a client’s mind, body, and spirit. It is believed that fine-tuning each of these areas that impact each other ultimately improves a person’s level of holistic well-being. Every holistic life coach has their own unique philosophy and approach to meeting these objectives.
My approach, Integrative Solutions for Modern Life™, is influenced by the following:

Natural Health Remedies: Lessons from shamans located across the globe taught me how critical it is to detox and balance our physical body. In order to achieve homeostasis, my system taps into natural remedies including nutrition, movement, nature, stress management, and energy work.

Positive Psychology. This scientifically rooted approach to well-being emphasizes self-awareness. It explores a client’s values, strengths, weaknesses, and resilience. Well-being is believed to consist of PERMAPositive emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment. Research has shown that these five elements are the best approximation of what human beings require in order to thrive.

Eastern Philosophy, Quantum Physics, and Metaphysics. My extensive studies have led me to appreciate the combined value of Eastern philosophy, the scientific study of matter and energy, and other belief systems. Our culture encourages rational, linear logic over inner seeking. I believe that we need to blend the two.
Intuition. I work intuitively. Although we may have an agenda for a session, that plan will be subject to change if I am pulled in a different direction. I confirm my intuitive hunches with Muscle Testing (aka Kinesiology), an assessment tool used to tap into your subconscious mind to access answers about your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. This is where trusting and allowing comes in. 😉
Financial Services Career. My decades-long career as a Managing Director for several premier NYC-based private banks makes me strategic, goal-oriented, skilled at understanding people, and demanding of myself and my clients. You can consider me to be a hybrid of practicality meets spirituality. Living your best life demands both.
The best holistic life coaching approach for you depends on which one lights a spark within you.
I invite you to sample Integrative Solutions for Modern Life™ by booking a 1-hour Zoom Breakthrough Session.*

* Available in person by request.

Have You Overlooked Your Home?

Have You Overlooked Your Home?

Many clients overlook how the vibration of their home impacts their holistic health. Holistic well-being isn’t only about things like mindfulness, health, mindset, or your career & purpose. Like your body and mind, your home can accumulate energy that doesn’t support you in creating the life you want.

The overall vibe of a space is greatly influenced by the energy of the people living in it. However, past inhabitants, guests, clutter, furniture placement, color, and other factors can also impact it.

You don’t want your living space to be filled with heavy, stagnant, or stale energy that doesn’t support you as the creative being that you are.

Feeling like the energy of your space could be improved? You have the power to give it a tune-up. Here are some easy subtle energy tools with which to cleanse your home:

Smudging is the burning of natural elements to cleanse a place of negative energy. The indigenous shamans I studied with in Mexico, Peru, and the American Southwest taught me that three of the most powerful tools for smudging are copal (tree resin), palo santo (wood), and white sage (herb). All are available for purchase on-line. Burn carefully.

Clutter is a magnet for attracting stale energy. It also creates stress and leads to irritability and an inability to focus. Organize your rooms periodically to keep the vibe of both you and your space high.

Pull those curtains away! Sunlight heals and raises the vibration of your space by diffusing negative energy. Sungazing, a great way for people to raise their vibrations, has the same effect on your space.

Open windows daily. Fresh air is probably the original good vibration. Changing the air of your living space is critical, regardless of what season it is. Bring in new air to shift the vibration of a room.

Feng Shui
Feng shui is the ancient Chinese practice of intentionally arranging the objects in a living space in order to create balance and optimize its energy. This practice allows air, light, and energy to flow smoothly. A professional feng shui practitioner can help here.

Color plays a pivotal role in your home. It can influence your emotions as well as neutralize negative energy. Just as every person’s color needs are unique, the same applies to your space. In general, try to stay away from dark colors. Consult a professional color therapist to help you identify which color your space is calling for.

Nature plays a vital role in healing. Plants purify both the air and energy of a room. Plus, green is the color of growth and creativity. Some plants work better than others. Try starting with orchid, ivy, jasmine, lavender, or peace lily.

You are ultimately the greatest influence on the vibe of your living space. After trying the above techniques, it’s time to clear your mind, body, and spirit. Remember to meditate.

Quantum physics has shown us that everything is created from energy. I help clients to optimize their energy, or chi, by identifying where they hold energetic blocks to their holistic well-being. I then identify solutions to harmonize those blocks so they can feel more balanced and move forward. Creating intentional space is just one solution.

Please contact me if you would like help cleansing your space. 😉

A personal note — plus a FREE offer

A personal note — plus a FREE offer

Welcome to the many new subscribers and a warm hello to my existing followers.

We are in a time of such dramatic change and reinvention, and so many people are struggling with this restart that it seems like the right time to reach out and remind you of what I do. Also, I want to share a FREE offer (below).

As a holistic life & wellness coach with a goal of integrating your mind, body, and spirit, I offer 1:1 coaching to target a wide range of health and wellness issues. For example, I can help you or someone you know to:

  • Begin a meditation and mindfulness practice
  • Manage stress and anxiety
  • Achieve post-COVID exercise and fitness goals
  • End negative self-talk
  • Identify imbalances in health and develop a program of action
  • Organize and balance finances (I spent two decades as a wealth advisor)
  • Clarify and set intentions
  • Strategize your career and discover your purpose
  • Bring more soul into your life

For the month of August, I’m giving away FREE 30-minute sessions to the first five people who sign-up (you can reply to this email). Do it soon because these limited spaces will fill up. For a half hour you can ask me any question you want or discuss any topic related to your holistic well-being. Zero sales pitch, all ears, no obligation. My goal is to help more people at this critical time.

I also teach meditation to small groups and can deliver lunchtime wellness talks for your company or organization.

My Approach
I provide new perspectives and practices, some science-based and others from ancient wisdom. I am trained in applied positive psychology, mindfulness, meditation, motivational techniques, and many subtle energy practices that help you break through whatever is holding you back. My approach draws on my intuition and kinesiology (aka muscle testing) to take you from where you are to where you want to go.

My Philosophy
We are all energetic beings. Our energy impacts our physical and emotional realms, not the opposite. Any emotional or physical issue is a product of our energetic imbalance and will ultimately also influence our mental state.

I  believe that as humans we should thrive, not just survive. Wholeness is the key to thriving, but we are taught to view our mind, body, and spirit as separate from one another. This contradiction creates the conflict that results in discomfort and disease. I can help you to integrate these aspects of yourself by identifying and prioritizing the blocks that are preventing you from your wholeness. When you release these constraints, you can express your potential.

I look forward to hearing from you, even if it is only to say hello! 😉

An Urban Shaman

An Urban Shaman

“The skyline of New York is a monument of splendor that no pyramids or palaces will ever equal or approach.”   – Ayn Rand

Places call us, and we begin an exciting journey that is an exploration of both the place and our Self.

By the time I was four years old, I was already dreaming of living in Manhattan. Whenever my father would drive our family over the George Washington Bridge from New Jersey to the sparkly city, I would become mesmerized. The view of the shimmering skyline grazing the Hudson River ignited something within me.

People with creativity and ambition have always been drawn to Manhattan. The energy of the island is so powerful and focused that you can feel its vibration the minute you step on its ground. For me, it’s a current filled with imagination, desire, possibility, and excitement.  

Manhattan is an energy vortex that supports those who want to create and excel in a variety of endeavors.

The strength of this force permeates through all of New York City’s boroughs and the entire metropolitan area.

Many of you are urbanites, so you’re also intimately aware that the energy of an urban vortex can take as much as it gives. This means that its intensity can also drain you of your vitality.

Depleting Aspects of Urban Life

Urbanites suffer from overstimulation. Although sensory overload isn’t unique to city living, it’s magnified by it. You’re subject to cramped quarters, noise, unpredictable transportation delays, reliance on technology, a large amount of information to process, and a need to interact with many people daily.

The anonymity of cities has its appeal, but living alone or away from a family support system can make you more susceptible to isolation and loneliness. Make friends where you work? Competitiveness and mistrust are abundant in today’s workplace. It may be challenging for those relationships to become as intimate as you may like.

The abundance of choice from lifestyles, to careers, significant others, neighborhoods, food, and entertainment can also cause significant stress. Having so many options in life is great, but it requires you to make a lot of decisions.

Humans aren’t wired for this much action…or reaction.

From a scientific perspective, the surface of the earth has a negative charge. As a result of urban life, you can build up an overabundant amount of positive charge. This condition can leave you feeling as if you stuck your finger in an electric socket – wired and drained at the same time.

Nature As Medicine

Ground yourself. Connect to the natural world by doing things like going barefoot in the grass, touching trees, standing in the ocean, and walking in the woods. These experiences soften your electrical charge and help integrate your body into the present moment. Nature is designed to give you this support.

Most of us in cities and suburbs don’t touch nature anymore.

As an urbanite, you spend over 90 percent of your life indoors. Direct contact with the natural world is what neutralizes any imbalances you may have developed and returns you to your innate state of harmony. But you need to make a conscious effort and time to make that connection.

Whenever I feel an unfocused buzzing energy or drained, my first impulse is to get to the closest beach and lie in the sand or jump in the ocean. Because that’s not always an easy option, I walk over to Central Park and sit with my bare feet on the grass and my back against my favorite tree.

Connecting to any part of the physical world will do the trick and help ground you. Feel free to choose wherever it is that you gravitate to.

Integrative Solutions for Modern Life

Yes, sparkly cities are alluring. But their glitter can also distract you from the primary reason that you are called to them. It’s not about the action,
diversity, careers, money, fashion, arts or other cultural activities.

You are drawn to urban areas in order to bring forward your best self and share your gifts with the world. This isn’t an easy job.

The process of cultivating your most optimal self while maintaining your sense of well-being is often enhanced by the support of an urban shaman. Everyone benefits from having guidance, support, tools, and accountability.

My decades of experience with clients, global travels, and studies with indigenous shamans and of science-based personal growth modalities taught me that modern life has pulled us way too far from our essence.

We are always more content when our practical needs don’t stray too far from what we require in order to thrive spiritually. Because this disparity is common, I developed Integrative Solutions for Modern Life, a holistic life and wellness program designed to reconnect you with your authentic self.

Your natural state is far easier to achieve than you think. As your urban shaman, I help you implement simple techniques that calm your nervous system, focus your attention, and leave you feeling renewed and fully engaged in your creations.

Keep your mind, body, and spirit in the earth while you manifest like a skyscraper! 😉

The Power of Water

The Power of Water

“Pure water is the world’s first and foremost medicine.” – Slovakian proverb

Have you ever noticed the effect on your energy when you are near a body of water?

I first noticed a transformative element in water when I was a young child. My family and I spent summers at the Jersey Shore. It was a blissful period of iced root beers and Bruce Springsteen lyrics blasting out of car windows. But what compelled me most was the smell and feel of sea spray. Later in life, I discovered “spiritual homes” by the water and was continuously drawn back to Mykonos (Greece) and Tulum (Mexico). What really called me to these places was their seas. Swimming in the Aegean and Caribbean cleansed me of my urbanness and left me feeling balanced and renewed.

Water’s Many Benefits

People have always been drawn to water. But science has caught up to prove that spending time near water decreases stress, anxiety, and depression – and also that humans, quite simply, are happier by oceans, seas, lakes, and streams.

Human beings are comprised of approximately 60 percent water. Blood is 90 percent water.

Water is a natural life force.

And so, understandably, we need water as a major energy source for our brain and body.

Apart from the power of being near water, humans have long understood that water has curative properties. Most religions use water for purification. Ancient Egyptians and Greeks used water to heal. Native Americans sat in sweat lodges to purify the body and mind. Ottomans used hammams, or steam baths, for physical and emotional detox and to boost the immune system. Nineteenth-century Europeans used hydrotherapy (alternatively dipping parts of the body into hot and cold water) to treat anxiety, pneumonia, and back pain.

After my retreats by the sea, I would return to my office with a newfound respect for water and its potential to heal. Whenever I experienced annoying health symptoms, my intuition guided me to the water bottle on my desk. I would increase my water intake and notice that drinking more water often cured my symptoms. It became obvious to me that my active and stressful lifestyle had left me dehydrated…and that pure water is a physical as well as emotional healer.

Here are just a few of water’s known benefits for our bodies and brains:

Water lubricates the joints, boosts oxygen throughout the body, improves brain function, improves your skin, regulates body temperature, helps digestion, flushes away waste, and is essential for your kidneys.


When I was a private banker, my colleagues often complained to me about fatigue, headaches, brain fog, irritability, 3pm energy crash, constipation, pain, indigestion, skin issues, and charley horses. When I asked about their water intake, they were skeptical that dehydration could be the cause. Almost all of them would tell me they were drinking a sufficient amount of water, meaning 6-8 cups (8 oz) per day, and living a healthy lifestyle.

I knew that our bodies use physical discomfort to get our attention, so my instinct told me something wasn’t jibing.

Now that I have dedicated my career to holistic life and wellness coaching, I’ve had time to study dehydration more closely. Did you know that…

Most Americans are chronically dehydrated.

By the time you sense that you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated.

You can’t substitute any other liquid (tea, coffee, fruit juice, soda, etc.) for water.

Coffee and caffeine products are diuretics (flush water out), so you must replace every cup you drink with a cup of water.

It is essential to sip your water allocation throughout to day and not chug it or you risk potentially deadly water poisoning. The body can’t flush out an overwhelming intake of water.

A good way to measure dehydration is by the color of your urine. It should be clear to pale yellow and transparent (hydrated) rather than darker yellow/orange and cloudy (dehydrated). Severe dehydration, can lead to a coma or even death.

How Much Water Do You Need?

There is disagreement about how much water people need. Every body is unique and you should listen to your own. A good starting point is ½ oz per/lb of body weight daily (65 oz/8 cups for 130lb person). You may need more.

I realized that many of my clients had deficient water intake because their body was being dehydrated in ways they didn’t suspect.

The bigger, older, or more active you are the more water you need. If you exercise a lot, experience stress (yes, stress causes dehydration), consume alcohol, caffeine, salt, and processed foods, you are also likely to need more water.

My recommendation is that you incorporate 1-2 cups of water into your daily morning routine. We know that dehydration strains your heart. Most of you sleep six to eight hours per night. When you wake up, your body is in its most dehydrated state. This may contribute to why heart attacks are most common in the morning.

I can read your mind…

You lead a busy life…it’s annoying to have to run to or find a bathroom shortly after drinking.

Trust me, when you experience the results of drinking more water, you’ll see that it’s worth the inconvenience. Until I witnessed the positive effects of increasing my water intake, the only water I craved was water I could swim in. 😉

One client came to me complaining of severe headaches, frequent constipation, eczema, and depression. She visited several doctors who couldn’t identify the causes. She had been drinking six cups of water daily. We increased her daily water intake by three cups and reduced her coffee by two cups per day. Within two weeks she saw her symptoms noticeably improve and within a month she had simply resolved all of her health issues.

Do you have an annoying chronic health issue that hasn’t yet been resolved by conventional medicine? If so, try experimenting by drinking more water for 60 to 90-days.

Aside from increasing your physical activity by running to and from the loo, I’d love to hear if you notice any health improvements after you experiment with drinking more water.

Who Are You?

Who Are You?

 “Know Thyself” – Socrates

The better you know your Self, the more prepared you will be to take full responsibility for your mind, body and soul.

Once you witness the extent of your ability to command all aspects of yourself, you will see how empowered you are. When you no longer view yourself as a passive recipient of your life circumstances, your untapped potential will be clear to you.

Conditioning is the learning process that begins shortly after birth and is most intense in early childhood.

This is when you disconnect from a part of yourself in order to take on the expectations of your culture – certain beliefs, behaviors, desires and emotional reactions. It is also when you are introduced to the rules and pragmatism that will often limit you.

At this same time, as a consequence of both biological and environmental factors, your personality evolves.

The result of these developments is that you become cut off from the total capability of your authentic self. As you mature, the gap grows.

The transition period after I resigned from my position as a Managing Director in Wealth Management and before I formally launched my coaching business was both rewarding and revealing. There were instances when I was taken aback by the extent of my own conditioning. I would occasionally get a nagging feeling that something was missing. Later, I recognized that void to be a craving for accomplishments, goals and competition during a period I had excitedly set aside for chilling out! Was it my soul that wanted these distractions or was it my programming? Who was Ireally?

Your life is meant to be a unique experience.

It is thereby immeasurable. The pressure to conform to the expectations of your immediate tribe or society-at-large clouds its extraordinary nature. This is a collective issue that everyone faces, and it is the integral issue challenging us all.

I spend the majority of my time deconditioning clients.

Much of the conditioning you are exposed to concerns major aspects of life such as:

Health & Fitness Our society is obsessed with the superficial layer of health & fitness, which is physical appearance. There is little attention paid to the more crucial focus on mind,  body, and soul or preventative health. You become unbalanced and eventually unhealthy.

Money & Career Rampant consumerism and materialism have many of you working jobs that lack purpose for you so you can buy things you don’t truly want or need, but have been convinced you should have. Your spending and values often don’t line up. You wind up in a pattern of unintentional spending.

Love & Relationships From birth, society promotes the idea that you are not whole unless you are coupled. This creates enormous pressure and encourages you to make a major life decision based on lack. This approach can result in an unsatisfying outcome, as evidenced by our 40-50% divorce rate.

The effects of these social influences may, at some point, motivate you to journey back to Self in order to reconnect with your true nature.

Reuniting with yourself after many years of separation isn’t an easy thing to do, but the process is exciting and rewarding.

By utilizing my techniques grounded in applied positive psychology, holistic lifestyle, the power of intention and spiritual principles, my clients have been able to make shifts in their lives. Among these methods, the following are some of the most critical and effective practices for stepping away from your conditioning and finding you. You can easily implement them today.

Mindfulness Being mindful means being fully present – aware of where you are, what you’re doing and not reactive to what is going on around you. There’s no better way to go inside.

Although mindfulness has become a growing industry, it doesn’t need to feel exotic or distant.

Practices like meditation or yoga are optimal. If you can’t access them, you can practice mindful breathing, observation, nature immersion, and gratitude.

The benefits of mindfulness are cumulative. You may feel that not much is happening until you wake up one day and realize that your reactions have changed.

Eventually, you will receive insights, “eureka” moments, and intuitive guidance.

Flow In positive psychology, flow is known as being “in the zone.” This is a state in which you are so immersed in energized focus and enjoyment of an activity that you lose all sense of time.

Do what puts you in flow.

Adventure An adventure implies doing something that is new, unusual, and has an uncertain outcome. Socialization based on fear and linear thinking discourages you from approaching life as an adventure. It encourages you to live safely and follow conventional wisdom. Linear thinking helps you to stay on track and safe, but small.

You are here to have experiences – allow and enjoy them!

Working to shed your societal conditioning and incorporating mindfulness, flow, and adventure into your life will lead you back to your Self. This reconnection will give you the awareness to command your mind, body, and soul, and ultimately recognize your own power.

Only when you have grasped the depth of your own ability will you be able to realize your optimal lifestyle, relationship, health, career, and purpose.

The quality life you want can only be created by choices made from a vantage point where you know your Self.

You have so much untapped potential within you.  

Go for the quality life. 😉