Welcome to a Journey of Holistic Living & Wellness!

Welcome to a Journey of Holistic Living & Wellness!

Someone asked the Dalai Lama what surprised him about humanity the most. This was his response:

“Man, because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices his money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then he dies having never really lived.”

Can you relate somewhat to the Dalai Lama’s observation?

As the first-born child of refugees and someone who later came to spend decades as a senior executive in highly demanding corporate environments, I can.

Both my childhood conditioning and professional experiences were goal-oriented. Goals imply the future. I’m intimately familiar with having practicalities overshadow my in-the-moment soul urges.

Happily, I’ve become equally familiar with allowing my in-the-moment soul urges to overshadow my practical concerns. 😉

Does the present moment inform your daily decisions? Or, are you proceeding based on an outdated version of yourself?

In order to truly thrive in all areas of your life, you need to achieve the present state the Dalai Lama refers to. It is only through there that you can access your intuition, creativity, and life force – the elements with which you create your life.

Living and working in Manhattan, I often found myself fully engaged in a pattern of moving towards future objectives while my soul urges were placed on hold. My life force, or light, was at times dimmed by the routine nature of modern life.

When you allow your light to be dimmed, your experience in every area of your life – mental, physical, and spiritual – reflects this back to you.

My own life went from amazing, to good, to “okay.” We are conditioned to believe that “okay” is good enough, to be satisfied with “okay” because things could be worse, to equate accepting “okay” with being mature.

As an idealist, I had never been one who was okay with “okay.”

A voice within said I could be living more brightly. I was guided to practice mindfulness and began to trust my feelings more. This led me to achieve greater well-being.

I eventually realized that nothing in life is separate and became completely holistic in my approach to life and wellness.

That same voice that whispered to me also exists within you, or you wouldn’t be reading this. There are no coincidences.

So, what exactly is a holistic approach to living?

  • Tapping into self-knowledge and trusting that YOU know what is best for you
  • Embracing your authentic self and the laws of nature
  • Living with purpose
  • Integrating your mind, body, and spirit

How do you begin the holistic journey?

  • Learn to shut down your mind
  • Eat intelligent food and clear all toxins (including people) from your life
  • Ignite your body’s own natural energy and healing abilities before seeking chemical interventions
  • Exalt your home by decluttering and having it reflect you
  • Optimize your perspective (what you think, you create)
  • Make intentional financial decisions
  • Seek purpose
  • Evaluate your life based on the state of your integrated rather than compartmentalized self
  • Harmonize your practical and spiritual needs and no longer measure your progress by a material yardstick

Practicing holistic living and wellness turns your light back on. I’m here to help you flip the switch.

My intention is to support the unique voice within you, inspire you, nudge you, give you tips, help increase your awareness, and cheer you on.

Let’s choose to live.