Ready to try this SPECIAL OFFER?

Ready to try this SPECIAL OFFER?

Human beings are emotional creatures. Sometimes, our emotions get out of balance or we don’t process them. As a result, they remain stuck in our energy field. 
I’ve recently been receiving more requests for flower essence therapy as a remedy for balancing emotions. In an effort to familiarize all of you with this natural healing modality developed in the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach, a British physician, I’m running a special introductory offer of $95 per virtual session for the month of June.
You want to know about this solution because your emotional body has a significant impact on your holistic health. Since ancient times, healers have believed that physical manifestations of disease have their roots in emotional imbalances. Imbalanced emotions also keep you stuck when what you want to do is move forward. Flower essence remedies can help to neutralize your emotions.
It’s not always easy to identify the emotional imbalances you develop as a part of being human. You are conscious of some of them and not others. My training as a certified Bach flower essence practitioner combined with my intuitive ability makes me able to determine exactly which of the 38 flower essences in Dr. Bach’s system your body is calling for. 
Flower essences, infusions of the vibrational qualities of flowers, are included in the emerging field of energy medicine. They carry an energetic frequency which can restore emotional imbalances by applying drops to your skin, under your tongue, or in your drinking or bath water. Flower essences are natural, completely safe, and have no side effects or contraindications with medications.
This healing modality can help you to balance emotions such as:

hopelessness & despair
living in the past
lack of confidence

anguish after trying everything
uncertainty over one’s direction

To learn more about flower essences and Dr. Bach, read my article published in by Spirituality & Health magazine, Five Tips to Support Change with Flower Essence Therapy.
I believe human beings are here to thrive, not survive. When you release any energetic blocks, you feel better holistically and are more able to express your potential. Isn’t this what life is about?
Simply hit “Reply” to take advantage of this $95 special offer and schedule a virtual flower therapy session to identify and balance your emotions. It’s fun and you may be surprised by what the flowers reveal!
Flowers speak and never lie. 😉

P.S. Feel free to purchase as a unique gift or tell a friend!

Are you caring for each of your bodies?

Are you caring for each of your bodies?

My 3/27/23 blog post introduced energy medicine as a natural approach to remaining mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy. I received many questions regarding this post and will address some of them today. 

It’s important to re-emphasize that your mental, physical, and emotional bodies constantly communicate and contribute equally to your holistic health. Their interplay is complex and continues to be explored by the scientific community. In the meantime, we know that this connectivity makes it critical that you care for each of these subtle energy bodies if you want to feel your best. 

Optimal self-care often requires lifestyle modifications. You may need to change some habits or behaviors. Research has shown that it can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days for people to form a new habit. On average, it takes nine weeks for a new behavior to become automatic. Timing varies depending on the behavior, the person, and the circumstances. While rewiring yourself can feel daunting, it’s a small investment if it means that you can live a more vibrant and satisfying life.

Are you caring for each of your bodies? Here’s why they are critical to your holistic health and an action step to help you begin to hone each:

Mind is the Builder. This concept was first introduced by Edgar Cayce (d. 1945), an American clairvoyant who diagnosed illnesses, suggested natural remedies, and is considered the father of holistic medicine. What Cayce is essentially saying is that your life is the result of your thoughts and beliefs. Today’s research shows that mindset plays a significant role in determining life’s outcomes. Understanding and refining your mindset can impact your choices and thereby improve your health, relationships and life satisfaction, decrease your stress, and help you to develop more resilience.  

Take Action: Fine-tune your mindset with meditation, positive psychology, and neuro-linguistic programming techniques.

Physical health can make you happy. It allows you to exercise, which reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, enables better sleep, helps you to maintain a normal body weight, and often inspires you to improve your diet. Illness demands all of your energy. Good health gives you the freedom to focus your attention on and cultivate other areas of your life.  

Take Action: Support your body’s natural ability to maintain its health and heal by refining your diet, detoxing, breathwork, and regular exercise. 

Your emotional state has the power to heal you. When your mood is elevated, so is your immune system. Studies show that happier people are less likely to get sick or will experience symptoms that are less severe when exposed to contagions such as the colds or flu. The scientific community has documented many instances of spontaneous remissions or healings. The current rationale for these unexpected improvements or cures points to an immunological response that can’t be attributed to anything other than our emotional, or spiritual, state. I cannot underestimate the power behind feeling emotionally light and uplifted. 

Take Action: Process heavy emotions with Bach Flower Essence Remedies, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), and hypnosis techniques tailored to your specific situation.   

Are you satisfied with what your mind has built? Do you feel empowered to make the changes you desire in your life? Are you in optimal physical health? Do you get enough sleep, meaning an average of 7-10 hours each evening? Are you a nose rather than mouth breather? Do you feel joy and feed your soul on a regular basis? 

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, I invite you to contact me to schedule a FREE 20-minute Discovery Call to determine if I may be able to help you to take action to support one or more of your energy bodies.

You have more control over your overall well-being than you realize. Take responsibility.

Why energy medicine?

Why energy medicine?

For thousands of years, every culture in the world has shared a natural approach to remaining mentally, physically, and spiritually healthy. Today, some indigenous tribes continue to look to natural remedies to promote health and well-being before seeking out allopathic medicine. What is their secret weapon?

Energy medicine. Energy medicine turns on the body’s natural healing energy, or life force. Different traditions refer to this life force by different names. Traditional Chinese medicine refers to it as qi or chi, Ayurveda as prana, and Native Americans as the Great Spirit.

This complementary medicine uses things such as hands, needles, acupoints, and mindset techniques, among others. It includes modalities such as light therapy, acupuncture, acupressure, chakra balancing, emotional freedom technique (EFT), flower essence therapy, color therapy, meditation, and yoga.

Aimed at healing imbalances in your mental, physical, and emotional subtle energy bodies, energy medicine is based on the fundamental premise that all physical objects (bodies) and psychological processes (thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and attitudes) express their energy.

The energetic state of each of your three subtle energy bodies creates your holistic health. When energy is flowing freely, you experience vibrant health and well-being. But the flow of energy can sometimes become blocked or disrupted.

What causes your energetic bodies to lose their natural state of balance? Any dis-ease, meaning any stress or trauma that you experience, can remain held within them, lead to imbalance and left unreleased, eventually cause blockages, illness, and disease. Energy medicine’s goal is to heal any imbalances by restoring the flow of energy.

Western medicine, based on an anatomical model, excels at emergency care, improving symptoms and eradicating disease. Energy medicine, which is considered a more Eastern approach, focuses on caring for your mental, physical, and emotional energetic bodies in order to heal the root cause of these imbalances.

Do you feel vibrant, meaning in your highest vibration mentally, physically, and emotionally? Feeling balanced and healthy? Are you fulfilled and satisfied with your choices? Do you feed your soul? Are you engaged with life…or simply going through the motions?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, I invite you to contact me to schedule a FREE 20-minute Discovery Call to determine if I may be able to help you to put the best version of you forward in this world.

You want to thrive. I draw upon several energy medicine techniques that can help you get there.

My personal note for 2023 and thoughts on radical honesty

My personal note for 2023 and thoughts on radical honesty

Happy 2023!

Thank you for another year of letting me share my passion for helping you to thrive mentally, physically, and spiritually. These three aspects of being comprise your energetic field and determine your holistic health.

Everything in our world vibrates and is comprised of energy which is part of a universal force that human beings are also a part of. This means that you vibrate and are interconnected with everyone. Thereby, your energetic field affects the collective. 

Want a better world? The most critical thing you can do for yourself, your family, community, and the planet is to elevate your vibration and live a better quality of life. You do this by being the best mental, physical, and spiritual version of yourself.

We’re living in a time when quality of life rather than quantity of life has become our priority. The decision to address your quality of life requires radical honesty. This means no longer lying to yourself. It’s time to admit that you would like to refine some aspect of your life.

Practicing radical honesty isn’t easy. I’ve wrestled with it myself. There were many times when it would have been far easier to maintain the status quo with respect to my health, a relationship, professional situation, or living arrangement than to admit that I wasn’t satisfied.

Last year, I was juggling client sessions, publishing articles and blogs, speaking engagements, research, marketing, and an inspirational book idea. Because the book was not a priority, I kept setting it aside. But the idea nagged at me like a horsefly in my bedroom.

I had to be radically honest: I wanted to write this book. It would never happen unless I committed to it. I chose to limit my speaking engagements and develop my manuscript.

Today, I have a full manuscript that I’m editing. Radical honesty led me to creative expression, upliftment, and to producing something that may one day help to elevate others. Without radical honesty, the book idea would have remained an unrealized desire.

Radical honesty rocks. 

Will you allow radical honesty to elevate your vibe in this new year? Are you being radically honest with yourself about your level of mental, physical, or spiritual satisfaction? Will you finally accept your Self and act on your desire? 

Please contact me if you are ready to rock 2023.

Be honest. 😉