For thousands of years, every culture in the world has shared a natural approach to remaining mentally, physically, and spiritually healthy. Today, some indigenous tribes continue to look to natural remedies to promote health and well-being before seeking out allopathic medicine. What is their secret weapon?

Energy medicine. Energy medicine turns on the body’s natural healing energy, or life force. Different traditions refer to this life force by different names. Traditional Chinese medicine refers to it as qi or chi, Ayurveda as prana, and Native Americans as the Great Spirit.

This complementary medicine uses things such as hands, needles, acupoints, and mindset techniques, among others. It includes modalities such as light therapy, acupuncture, acupressure, chakra balancing, emotional freedom technique (EFT), flower essence therapy, color therapy, meditation, and yoga.

Aimed at healing imbalances in your mental, physical, and emotional subtle energy bodies, energy medicine is based on the fundamental premise that all physical objects (bodies) and psychological processes (thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and attitudes) express their energy.

The energetic state of each of your three subtle energy bodies creates your holistic health. When energy is flowing freely, you experience vibrant health and well-being. But the flow of energy can sometimes become blocked or disrupted.

What causes your energetic bodies to lose their natural state of balance? Any dis-ease, meaning any stress or trauma that you experience, can remain held within them, lead to imbalance and left unreleased, eventually cause blockages, illness, and disease. Energy medicine’s goal is to heal any imbalances by restoring the flow of energy.

Western medicine, based on an anatomical model, excels at emergency care, improving symptoms and eradicating disease. Energy medicine, which is considered a more Eastern approach, focuses on caring for your mental, physical, and emotional energetic bodies in order to heal the root cause of these imbalances.

Do you feel vibrant, meaning in your highest vibration mentally, physically, and emotionally? Feeling balanced and healthy? Are you fulfilled and satisfied with your choices? Do you feed your soul? Are you engaged with life…or simply going through the motions?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, I invite you to contact me to schedule a FREE 20-minute Discovery Call to determine if I may be able to help you to put the best version of you forward in this world.

You want to thrive. I draw upon several energy medicine techniques that can help you get there.

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