My personal note for 2024 and thoughts on quantum living

My personal note for 2024 and thoughts on quantum living

Happy 2024!
I want to thank each of you who made it a priority to work with me to elevate yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally in 2023.
We choose our priorities. They express our values.

Last year, I focused my efforts on our 1:1 coaching sessions, publishing wellness-related articles, hosting roof-top meditations tailored to nature’s cycles, learning how to write a book proposal, speaking at several private events, obtaining the trademark on my coaching system, and being featured on the No Wrong Choices podcast.

My actions demonstrate that I value helping to elevate you. Your commitment to working with me reflects that you value the quality of your life experience.

Our journey on this planet is brief. You want to feel purposeful and happy with where you are at holistically.

The beginning of the year is generally a time for making new plans. As such, it’s the ideal moment to remind you that we are creators.

For a long time, science and spirituality were considered to be in opposition. More recently, through the study of quantum physics and consciousness, physicists have made incredible strides in determining the laws that govern our universe. Science is now verifying what masters have taught throughout the ages: We are connected to everything around us.

One of the fundamental principles of quantum physics is the observer effect. This concept states that there is no such thing as an independent observer who sits on the sidelines watching nature run its course without influencing it. This includes us. We observe everything. Thinking and observing are intertwined. Therefore, our thoughts while observing will affect our reality.

As with light or electricity, our thoughts have energy or frequencies. These frequencies create what we experience. They can empower or deny us the infinite possibilities available to us.

Our frequencies are encoded in our subconscious minds as beliefs. These beliefs are a result of our conditioning — things we have been told or taught, the moments of pride or shame we have felt, the times we were applauded or belittled. Beliefs about ourselves begin to be accepted by our subconscious from early childhood.

Through the observer effect, the power of our subconscious controls our everyday thoughts and actions, and thereby, our life experience.

When we take responsibility for our lives and align our thoughts and focus, this energy will cause us to be the creators of our reality rather than the victims of random events or conditions. Self-empowerment comes when we consciously choose our creations.

My Integrative Solutions for Modern Life™ are designed to help you master your mind, optimize your body, and connect to your soul’s authenticity so you can be empowered to consciously create your life experience and thrive. This is quantum living.

I admire your dedication to elevating your life and look forward to continuing to co-create with you in this new year.

Did you enjoy the summer? — Some tips!

Did you enjoy the summer? — Some tips!

Summer is swiftly waning. The fall equinox will soon be upon us. Do you feel that you enjoyed the summer to the extent that you could? Were you present with it by embracing its gifts of sunlight, playtime with your tribe, inspiration for something new, as well as opportunities to enjoy some introspective moments in nature?

Or, was it essentially the same old same old? Perhaps you felt a bit stuck, bored, overwhelmed, unmotivated, or unclear about exactly what would make you thrive?

These last days of summer always contain a whiff of fall that announces a soon-to-be shift. They also mark Virgo season, which is an optimal time to reform our habits and prioritize self-care. It’s no wonder that I’m sitting on the beach contemplating my priorities for the upcoming season.

Human beings, by nature, resist change. This is for a good reason: change isn’t easy. What makes it attractive is that any new experience generally invigorates us and causes us to grow.

Life only gives us so many summers. Do you feel like you could have explored or expanded more, become healthier, more mindful, balanced, or initiated some type of change that may have enhanced your overall well-being? If so, I’m sending this note to remind you that I have the resources to help you set a new intention this fall:

  • Make an honest assessment of your life satisfaction by using my Wheel of Life. Learn more >
  • Listen to my interview on intuition, why it’s important, and how to develop this critical skill. Listen to the interview >
  • Read my article about purpose and how a yoga class in Tulum caused me to reevaluate and change my life. Read the article >
  • Read my article about how to use your power of intention to manifest what you desire. Read the article >
  • Take 10-minutes to connect with your Self by freeing your mind through my guided meditation. Watch the video >

I’m always here to support you in 1:1 sessions. These sessions are an opportunity to identify and neutralize any energetic blocks that are holding you back from thriving mentally, physically, and/or emotionally.

Curious? Simply reply to this email to schedule a FREE 20-minute Discovery Call to determine if we could be a fit.

Don’t let another season of your life pass you by without manifesting what you desire. 😉

How do you deal with change?

How do you deal with change?

We have all experienced change at many points in our lives. Some of us embrace the process of change, while others look for any excuse to change as little as possible. You likely know which group you belong to.

As for me, I’m generally fairly adaptable to externally imposed change. When it comes to self-initiated change, I tend to avoid it for as long as I possibly can before I eventually give in to my intuition and make a change that turns my world upside down. Both types of change almost always lead to significant growth.

The pandemic has imposed an inordinate amount of change upon us. We’ve all been conditioned to live differently.
Since March 2020, I’ve been fortunate to continue practicing yoga with one of New York City’s master yoga instructors, Hollis Lewis. I do this over Zoom. Practicing yoga in the narrow space between my bed and closet with only a virtual sense of community for over two years has added an element of restriction to my practice. Human beings are incredibly adaptive creatures. I adapted to this restriction.
Yesterday, a friend invited me to join him at my first in-person yoga class in over two years. Wearing my nicer yoga wear, meeting new neighbors, and relating face-to-face with the instructor, Derric Harris, reminded me how high in-person yoga classes (and everything else!) can make you feel. For the remainder of the day, I felt like I was floating.
To open the class, Derric shared some wisdom that greatly resonated with me. He called our attention to the fact that, “Letting go is hard, but holding on is harder.”
So much of life is about letting go and embracing change.

I was fortunate not to have lost a loved one, significant relationship, or job during the pandemic. However, there are many nuances to loss. My work has become virtual. Many of my friends have moved away. My neighborhood gym, yoga studio, meditation center, vegan café, coffee shop, dry cleaner, tailor, and favorite boutique, restaurant, and bar are all gone. My long-term relationships with their proprietors and staff went with them. The bricks and mortar of the New York Open Center and Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research & Enlightenment, both places where I would take classes, attend events, and enjoy the community, have also departed. I feel the void.
As I think about all of these changes and Deric’s message, I’m reminded that life is finite. The best thing I can do is mourn the life that’s gone, let go of it, and look forward to the new adventures that are coming. Those of you who feel similarly may benefit from revisiting my article previously published by Spirituality & Health magazine, “Why Change is Difficult for Us (and Ways to Overcome It)”.

My clients make me intimately aware that so many people are going through a significant change right now — and that recreating our lives is doable and fun.

If you’re facing change in your life at this moment, here’s an affirmation:

I’m exactly where I’m meant to be right now.

I hope this brings you peace.

How Balanced is Your Wheel? Find out here…

How Balanced is Your Wheel? Find out here…

As a holistic life & wellness coach, I’m a transformation agent helping you to attain greater holistic health and fulfillment in your life.

Holistic health requires enhancing your mental, physical, and emotional energy bodies. To do this, you will want to evaluate and possibly refine several critical aspects of your life — mindfulness, health, home, relationships, personal growth, mindset, finances, and career & purpose.

I have designed a Wheel of Life (“Wheel”) to support you in this effort. This self-assessment tool will help to clarify where you stand with respect to your holistic wellness.

We sometimes push realizations that would require disruption of our existing patterns to our subconscious mind. To make effective changes in your life, you must also engage your subconscious. Research shows that visuals transmit messages to your subconscious mind more powerfully than words. Creating your Wheel will help your subconscious mind to communicate your priorities to your conscious mind.

I invite you to map out your Wheel. You will see below that each piece of this “holistic pie” has gradations. Please rate each area from 0 – 10. Then connect all of the dots with a line that will form a circle (of sorts). Ideally, you want your wheel to be round. But, no one has a round wheel. 😉

Which aspects of your life feel satisfying and which aspects not so much? What changes do you want to stop waiting for? Do you feel equipped to transform these areas? Or, could you use some support, intuitive guidance, and access to carefully curated and effective modalities that will help you to move forward?

It’s already March. Don’t let 2022 be another year of limited potential. I can help you to balance a lopsided or small Wheel. Are you with me?

If you answered “yes,” please contact me to book an exploratory session today.

My personal note for 2022 and an exciting announcement

My personal note for 2022 and an exciting announcement

Happy 2022!
Thank you for allowing me to support your holistic wellness goals last year.
We’re living in a time of great transformation. The systems in our society are changing, and as a result we are being asked to reshape ourselves and the way we live. This means that self-care is no longer a luxury — it’s a necessity. 
Holistic wellness requires a full integration of mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. At this time, it’s critical that you take care of the mental, physical, and emotional bodies that comprise your physical form. Each one affects the state of your overall health.
My holistic coaching system, Integrative Solutions for Modern Life, is designed to help you to develop the balance you need to release any blocks that are holding you back. As a result, you will feel more attuned to your authentic self, healthier, and empowered.
Change isn’t easy. It takes us out of our comfort zone. I’ve been through it myself when I decided to step away from my successful banking career and launch my coaching practice. Developing a new career as a wellness expert required me to hone new skills and become comfortable moving through the discomfort of new experiences. 
But guess what? I learned that discomfort is the only zone from which we grow. And I’m not done growing.
That’s why I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve joined MammaWellbeing, a one-stop global wellbeing discovery and booking platform based in London. This platform offers on-line and in-person therapies, events, retreats, and courses with a wide range of carefully curated holistic practitioners like myself. I invite you to check out the many offerings like astrology, family constellations, yoga, and retreats (among many others) easily accessible by you through this global platform.
I’m honored that MammaWellbeing chose me to be one of their founding members. I presently work with off-shore clients in Tulum (Mexico), Mykonos (Greece), and Ibiza (Spain). My alliance with MammaWellbeing will give me the opportunity to help more people globally to experience a greater level of wellbeing. Including you.
Will you step out of your comfort zone in 2022? Have you considered enhancing your mindfulness, health, home, mindset, finances, or career & purpose? Would you like to release fear so that you can raise your vibration?
My intuition tells me that we are going to experience another unique year. In order to best support yourself, your loved ones, and your community, you need to be in your optimal holistic form.
Please contact me if you would like to identify where your energetic blocks lie and neutralize, or balance, them so you can thrive.
Be ready for the adventure of 2022! 😉

Should You Chase a Thief?

Should You Chase a Thief?

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” – Henry David Thoreau

On this day, I’m seated in a van on Mexico’s highway #307 on the last leg of my travel to a solo retreat in Tulum Mexico. Admiring the palm trees, I’m excited to have swapped a dreary urban winter for what I expect will be a relaxing week in a thatch-roofed hut on the beach with no internet and limited electricity.

I’m unaware that this break will lead to several significant revelations well worth two connecting flights and two-hour car ride from Cancun.

By the time I settle into my hut, it’s late. With the windows open to the beach breeze, I’m happily lulled to sleep by the meditative sound of the Caribbean Sea.

Only several hours later, a feeling of terror and my own screams awaken me. I realize that I was having a nightmare.

My Nightmare

I’m back in New York City walking in front of Grand Central Terminal at the corner of 42nd Street and Vanderbilt Avenue. Smartly dressed, I’m carrying a designer handbag and what I refer to as my “annex” bag.

When you are navigating a busy life in a walking city, a handbag isn’t typically large enough to accommodate everything you need. I put any overflow into a small, neat looking bag I came to think of as my annex bag. It’s small and subtle enough not to overpower a professional outfit. In this dream I have one, and it’s filled with a notebook, reading that I need to do, and various personal matters that I need to tend to.

I wonder if anything urgent has come up at the office and realize that I should check my email. After placing both my handbag and annex bag down at my feet, I proceed to pull out my IPhone. I’m not present.

Suddenly, a teenager dressed in military fatigues and a face mask scurries by, grabs my annex bag, and dashes inside Grand Central Terminal with it.

How dare this punk steal my bag!

My flight-or-fight system kicks in, and my heart is racing. Confident that I can catch this thug, I run after him yelling, “Help! Help! Stop him — he stole my bag!”

Grand Central Terminal is filled with people, yet no one seems to see me nor hear my cries for help.

With the strides of a kangaroo, the thief sprints past the clock tower in the lobby of the Terminal and races towards the escalators headed to Forty-fifth Street. I continue to pursue him.


As I reach the escalator out of breath, he’s skipping steps and already mid-way up. I realize that he has too much of a lead on me. I’ll never be able to overtake him dressed in my suit and fashion boots. I feel a sense of loss and defeat.

At this moment, I wake up screaming. The nightmare is so emotional and vivid that I know it contains a message for me. Annoyed that I don’t get it, it takes me forever to go back to sleep. The next morning, still groggy, I dissect every detail of it.

I still had my handbag, which contained everything essential to my life. So what was I chasing after?

My annex bag contained only inconsequential, but necessary, tasks. Let’s call them trivialities of modern life. Nothing in that bag would require me to chase it down — except my belief system.

I realize that I’ve been conditioned to believe that if something is taken away from me, I should run after it. This could be material objects, relationships, jobs, positions, paradigms, and even inconsequential tasks. An unhealthy sense of attachment clouds our reactions. We react before considering the bigger picture.


In the light of day, I am able to see that this wasn’t a nightmare about having something stolen from me. Rather, it was a dream about having my burdens taken away!

Some places on our planet have a higher energy field than others. In these locations, our own electromagnetic field is more amplified by the energy of the nature. These magnifications allow us to cleanse, transform, or activate our lives so that we can live in our fullest potential. Tulum is one of these places.

I realized that prior to this trip, my subconscious mind had been processing something that my conscious mind hadn’t been ready to face. But the energy of Tulum brought it forth, revealing it to me through this dream. Now I could see it.

I had been feeling overburdened. My position as a senior executive was demanding and my support staff was minimal at the time. In addition, I was single, self-supporting, and attending to aging parents while doing my best to fit in dating and trying to remain healthy, fit, and vibrant. Life had become comprised of all work with little to no play. I had always required a fair degree of play.

In fact, if the extra burdens of my annex had been taken away, I would feel fabulous! Yet, I perceived that I was robbed rather than gifted. Suddenly, in the light of a Tulum morning, I could clearly see that I didn’t need to chase the annex bag and all those extra tasks and work. I could reframe and recognize that it would be a blessing to lose some things that I’d been clinging to.

Be mindful of your perspective because your perception creates your reality.

Is it a nightmare or a dream?

You choose.

Some of the most meaningful work I do with clients occurs when we explore how their perspectives may be restricting them. To book a private session with me in order to explore your lens and how you may be able to expand it, please go to Contact Me! on the right sidebar or below (depending on your device).