Prescription or…?

Prescription or…?

You’ve had a prescription from your medical doctor, right?

Think back…

How often did you receive a prescription that focused on improving your lifestyle before pharmaceutical drugs or a recommendation for an invasive procedure? Things like:

  • Eating healthier
  • Exercising regularly
  • Getting more sleep
  • Grounding
  • Managing stress better
  • Addressing your mindset
  • Expanding your social circle
  • Reevaluating your career or relationship
  • Accepting yourself
  • Establishing a yoga and/or meditation practice
  • Releasing what you are resisting
  • Cultivating presence
  • Recognizing that your health is the sum of mind, body, and spirit
  • And more…

These actions help to bring your body into the homeostasis, or balance, that’s required to maintain your holistic health. I love my primary care physician, but he’s never prescribed lifestyle medicine.

The pandemic revealed how few people truly understand preventative health, meaning actions you can take to keep your immune system strong and thereby help to prevent the development of chronic disease. Your health is the sum of the states of your mental, physical, and emotional bodies. Human beings have been masterfully designed to thrive. Unfortunately, the stress and toxins of modern life cause your minds, bodies, and spirits to develop imbalances that negatively affect your overall health and cause you to struggle.

You have more power to impact your holistic health than you are led to believe. The recent pandemic would have resulted in far less hospitalizations if everyone had a holistic wellness coach to support them in practicing lifestyle medicine.

Want to own your power? Contact me to schedule an appointment to create your customized lifestyle prescription.

Did you enjoy the summer? — Some tips!

Did you enjoy the summer? — Some tips!

Summer is swiftly waning. The fall equinox will soon be upon us. Do you feel that you enjoyed the summer to the extent that you could? Were you present with it by embracing its gifts of sunlight, playtime with your tribe, inspiration for something new, as well as opportunities to enjoy some introspective moments in nature?

Or, was it essentially the same old same old? Perhaps you felt a bit stuck, bored, overwhelmed, unmotivated, or unclear about exactly what would make you thrive?

These last days of summer always contain a whiff of fall that announces a soon-to-be shift. They also mark Virgo season, which is an optimal time to reform our habits and prioritize self-care. It’s no wonder that I’m sitting on the beach contemplating my priorities for the upcoming season.

Human beings, by nature, resist change. This is for a good reason: change isn’t easy. What makes it attractive is that any new experience generally invigorates us and causes us to grow.

Life only gives us so many summers. Do you feel like you could have explored or expanded more, become healthier, more mindful, balanced, or initiated some type of change that may have enhanced your overall well-being? If so, I’m sending this note to remind you that I have the resources to help you set a new intention this fall:

  • Make an honest assessment of your life satisfaction by using my Wheel of Life. Learn more >
  • Listen to my interview on intuition, why it’s important, and how to develop this critical skill. Listen to the interview >
  • Read my article about purpose and how a yoga class in Tulum caused me to reevaluate and change my life. Read the article >
  • Read my article about how to use your power of intention to manifest what you desire. Read the article >
  • Take 10-minutes to connect with your Self by freeing your mind through my guided meditation. Watch the video >

I’m always here to support you in 1:1 sessions. These sessions are an opportunity to identify and neutralize any energetic blocks that are holding you back from thriving mentally, physically, and/or emotionally.

Curious? Simply reply to this email to schedule a FREE 20-minute Discovery Call to determine if we could be a fit.

Don’t let another season of your life pass you by without manifesting what you desire. 😉