Where do you keep your cellphone?

Where do you keep your cellphone?

Ever read the fine print of your cellphone’s owner’s manual? If so, it likely recommends that your device be kept at least one inch away from your body to ensure that you don’t exceed safety limits for electromagnetic frequency (EMF) exposure.

EMFs, invisible waves of energy, are often referred to as radiation. As the number of human-made EMF emissions continues to increase exponentially, it’s no longer just cell phones emitting EMF. We now have Wi-Fi, wireless thermostats, wireless speakers, smart refrigerators, numerous Bluetooth
devices, and more.

This said, one source of EMF accounts for more of our daily exposure than others. 97% of Americans own a cellphone. The average person spends about 5 hours per day on their device. Furthermore, most people keep their cellphones near their bodies all day and night. Modifying your cellphone habits can significantly impact how much EMF radiation your body absorbs daily.

This is important because EMF frequencies can negatively impact your health. What constitutes excessive exposure varies by individual and could result in insomnia, headaches, tinnitus, dizziness, fatigue, stress, greater risk of cancer and neurodegenerative disease (includes Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s), potential fertility issues, trouble concentrating, learning and memory deficits, nausea, night sweats, and more.

Although the medical jury may still be debating this matter, I’ve seen a good number of clients benefit by reducing their EMF exposure. It never hurts to try. 

Of course, none of us want to believe that this could be true. It’s inconvenient. 

Cellphones and other EMF-emitting devices will only continue to become an even more integral part of our daily lives. Here are several ways to protect yourself from excessive exposure:

Cellphone Hygiene

  • Keep phone more than 1 inch away from your body at all times.
  • Don’t sleep with your phone on in your bedroom.
  • Keep phone on Airplane Mode when not in active use.
  • Use Speaker Phone rather than place the device next to your ear.
  • Use earbuds if a headset is needed.
  • Use phone only when the signal is strong, as radiation increases when it is weak (1-2 bars).

Opt for corded landlines. Cordless phone base stations emit high levels of radiation.

Turn off Wi-Fi router when not in use, especially at bedtime.

Avoid wearables such as wireless watches, sleep monitors, headsets, and fitness devices

Smart Meter Programs
Opt out of your electric, water, and gas utilities’ smart meter program. I tried this, but was unsuccessful. ConEd agreed that I had the right to opt-out due to health concerns. However, they deemed that they had the right to charge me a penalty of $100 per month for exercising that right. 

My objective is to support you in living your best life by making you aware of lifestyle changes and simple modalities that can help you to express your highest potential in this lifetime.

Please contact me if you would like to schedule an appointment to assess your holistic priorities. Feeling balanced mentally, physically, and emotionally is far more meaningful than any convenience. 😉

How do you deal with change?

How do you deal with change?

We have all experienced change at many points in our lives. Some of us embrace the process of change, while others look for any excuse to change as little as possible. You likely know which group you belong to.

As for me, I’m generally fairly adaptable to externally imposed change. When it comes to self-initiated change, I tend to avoid it for as long as I possibly can before I eventually give in to my intuition and make a change that turns my world upside down. Both types of change almost always lead to significant growth.

The pandemic has imposed an inordinate amount of change upon us. We’ve all been conditioned to live differently.
Since March 2020, I’ve been fortunate to continue practicing yoga with one of New York City’s master yoga instructors, Hollis Lewis. I do this over Zoom. Practicing yoga in the narrow space between my bed and closet with only a virtual sense of community for over two years has added an element of restriction to my practice. Human beings are incredibly adaptive creatures. I adapted to this restriction.
Yesterday, a friend invited me to join him at my first in-person yoga class in over two years. Wearing my nicer yoga wear, meeting new neighbors, and relating face-to-face with the instructor, Derric Harris, reminded me how high in-person yoga classes (and everything else!) can make you feel. For the remainder of the day, I felt like I was floating.
To open the class, Derric shared some wisdom that greatly resonated with me. He called our attention to the fact that, “Letting go is hard, but holding on is harder.”
So much of life is about letting go and embracing change.

I was fortunate not to have lost a loved one, significant relationship, or job during the pandemic. However, there are many nuances to loss. My work has become virtual. Many of my friends have moved away. My neighborhood gym, yoga studio, meditation center, vegan café, coffee shop, dry cleaner, tailor, and favorite boutique, restaurant, and bar are all gone. My long-term relationships with their proprietors and staff went with them. The bricks and mortar of the New York Open Center and Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research & Enlightenment, both places where I would take classes, attend events, and enjoy the community, have also departed. I feel the void.
As I think about all of these changes and Deric’s message, I’m reminded that life is finite. The best thing I can do is mourn the life that’s gone, let go of it, and look forward to the new adventures that are coming. Those of you who feel similarly may benefit from revisiting my article previously published by Spirituality & Health magazine, “Why Change is Difficult for Us (and Ways to Overcome It)”.

My clients make me intimately aware that so many people are going through a significant change right now — and that recreating our lives is doable and fun.

If you’re facing change in your life at this moment, here’s an affirmation:

I’m exactly where I’m meant to be right now.

I hope this brings you peace.

Ever try Flower Remedies? — FREE offer!

Ever try Flower Remedies? — FREE offer!

Spring is the season nature revives and regenerates. Flowers bloom, and human beings respond to this energy similarly.

Did you know that in addition to lifting our mood, flowers also have the power to heal the emotional imbalances we all develop as a part of being human? Flower essences, infusions of the vibrational qualities of flowers, are included in the emerging field of energy medicine. They carry an energetic frequency which can restore emotional imbalances.

As a certified Bach flower essence practitioner and intuitive, I frequently prescribe flower essences to my coaching clients. I’m able to determine exactly which of the 38 flower essences in Dr. Bach’s system your body is calling for.

For the month of May, I’m giving away a FREE 30-minute virtual flower essence therapy session to each of the first five people who sign-up.

Why is balancing your emotional states important? Your mental, physical, and emotional bodies are interconnected. Since ancient times, healers have believed that physical manifestations of disease have their root in emotional imbalances.

Today, many of us are not the same people we were when we rang in 2020. Our priorities have changed and we have revised, are revising, or want to revise the blueprint that previously directed us. These processes come with emotional challenges that can often lead to physical symptoms.

Flower essences (applied to the skin or ingested) are completely safe and have no side-effects or contraindications with medications. They can help you to balance emotions such as:

  • fear
  • overwhelm
  • discouragement
  • hopelessness and despair
  • living in the past
  • fatigue
  • impatience
  • lack of confidence
  • exhaustion
  • guilt
  • indecisiveness
  • shock
  • anguish after trying everything
  • isolation
  • uncertainty over one’s direction

To learn more about flower essences, Dr. Bach, and my journey with this ancient healing modality, read my article published last year, Five Tips to Support Change with Flower Essence Therapy.

I believe that human beings should thrive, not just survive. Emotional imbalances cause energetic blocks. When you release these constraints, you feel better holistically and are more able to express your potential. Isn’t this what life is about? 😉