Empowerment and well-being – GIFTS!

Empowerment and well-being – GIFTS!

Thank you for committing to your holistic well-being this year. Wouldn’t you like to see all of your loved ones do the same?

Considering holiday gifts? Material possessions bring fleeting happiness. Choose a gift that will have a lasting positive impact instead. You will be helping your friends, colleagues, or loved ones to live better in 2024.

I’m offering the following discounted gift special. Please feel free to share it with friends and family.

Meditation Training Session (1 hour: $100, 3 Sessions: $250) – Helps people to begin or deepen a meditation practice. Meditation is scientifically proven to decrease stress & anxiety, reduce symptoms of high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, burnout & fatigue, improve sleep, focus & memory, slow aging, and boost the immune system, mood & general happiness level. These sessions will provide historical and physiological context on meditation, concrete tips, and help your loved one to create an action plan. Each session includes a guided meditation customized to your gift recipient’s needs.

Breakthrough Session (1 hour: $120) – Has someone you care about talked about their desire to improve physically, mentally, or emotionally? Do they need to gain clarity on what they truly want? Make a difficult decision or prepare for a tough conversation or interview? Brush up their resume or cover letter? Create an actionable plan for better health? 

This single session will have your loved one walk away with a list of priorities to help them get unstuck. Through my training in science-based modalities for well-being, various philosophical belief systems, and subtle energy techniques such as mantra, flower essences, EFT, and more, I can help your gift recipient:

  • Better manage stress & anxiety
  • Identify imbalances in health and develop a plan of action
  • Evaluate their mindset
  • Organize finances (I spent two decades as a wealth advisor)
  • Strategize career 
  • Feel more empowered

There is no gift with a more lasting positive impact that you could give. My work benefits everyone from C-suite executives to college students. Plus, it’s fun!

Please reply to this email to purchase a gift certificate (shown below).

Be everyone’s favorite gift giver this year. 😉

YOU’RE INVITED! — Fall Equinox!

YOU’RE INVITED! — Fall Equinox!

The ancients believed that each season had unique energetic attributes that people could harness.
The Fall Equinox represents a change point between the bright and dark halves of the year. The energies of spring and summer are very different from those of fall and winter.
Join me on this eve of the Fall Equinox to learn about the opportunity this cycle offers you, hear a few words about the process of holistic health and how the physiology of meditation supports you with this, and experience a guided meditation designed to tap into the unique energy of this period.
We’ll close with a toast of gratitude to Mother Nature.

This event will be my last rooftop teach-in for 2023.

RSVP Required: via Eventbrite

Retain Your Rawness + Evolve

Retain Your Rawness + Evolve

In order to honor your unique talents and life path, you want to remain raw. This requires you to trust your instincts and continue to actively develop your intuition (your ability to feel energy). Regularly rebalancing and recharging yourself in nature and with animals helps you to do this.

While remaining raw, life simultaneously asks that you evolve. As you expand and grow, it helps to keep an open mind and remember that you live in a world of energy. This means that you are receptive to both seen and unseen influences. There are many things yet to be scientifically proven.

Books can help you to both reconnect with your rawness and evolve. These last weeks of summer (another month to go) are the perfect time to enjoy a thought-provoking book. I’ll certainly be taking several with me when I finally check out for a few weeks. 😉

Do you find yourself thinking about the past or anxious about the future? Ever wondered about the Buddhist principle of reincarnation? Have you contemplated the possibility that your emotions may impact your health and/or the prospect of self-healing? Interested in learning more about the power of and consciousness of water?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, here are a handful of books worth considering:

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss
You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
Your Body’s Many Cries for Water by Dr. M. Batmanghelid
The Hidden Messages in Water by Dr Masaru Emoto

Not quite what you had in mind, already read them, or want more options? Contact me to schedule a FREE 20-minute session to brainstorm a few other choices that will align with your specific interests and open your mind.

We are here to enjoy the journey, cultivate self-acceptance, and grow. Make it happen.;)