I’ve been receiving an increased amount of interest in alignment testing. Given this trend, this seems like a good time to bring up the topic of applied kinesiology, aka “muscle testing,” which is the basis of my alignment test.

Research continues to reveal the power of the subconscious mind. Through my studies, I have come to believe that your subconscious mind knows exactly what best serves your energetic body. The challenge is how to communicate with it. Muscle testing is that medium.

As many of you know, I work intuitively. As a way to ensure that I’m not receiving interference from my own filter, I sometimes muscle test in order to obtain confirmation from your subconscious mind that I’m on the right track and that you’re aligned with something.

It’s important to state upfront that understanding energy reading requires a paradigm shift in thinking. The universe we perceive is not fundamentally the way it appears. Physical reality doesn’t define all reality. There is also a non-physical component. This contradicts almost all of what you have been taught, so it would be natural for your brain to initially experience resistance to this concept.

How Muscles Speak
Your body has an electrical network both within and surrounding it. This network is made up of pure energy. 

Because energy runs through the muscles in your body, if we make a statement that supports your body’s energetic balance, that energy system (as evidenced through your muscles) will continue to flow. This results in the muscles staying strong, meaning that you are in alignment with whatever the statement is. If we make a statement that does not support your body’s balance, your energy system will temporarily stop flowing. This results in weakened muscles, which is your body’s signal that it is not in alignment with a statement.

Using muscle testing, I can make statements about things such as thoughts, events, emotions, people, relationships, opportunities, places, foods, and other substances that may impact your electrical system. I then watch how the muscle energy reacts to determine if that thing serves you. This process also enables me to get clear answers to confirm my intuitive hits regarding your mental, physical, and emotional priorities, which modalities in my Integrative Solutions for Modern Life™ toolkit could best rebalance you to your natural state, and what action steps are most aligned with your highest path. The information revealed can be invaluable. 

Proxy Muscle Testing
Now I invite you to go one step deeper down this rabbit hole with me. 😉 Much of my sessions are now via Zoom. So how do I muscle test?

Proxy testing is a muscle test that is done on me, for you. It can be done virtually or in-person. This technique works similarly to a cell phone. Through the power of intention, our bodies have a built-in capability to energetically connect to or “call” one another regardless of distance. Once we are connected, I can receive your signal.

Using my fingers, I practice what is referred to as a manual, aka “O,” muscle test on myself. This involves making an “O” with my thumb and pointer fingers, making statements, and observing the muscle reaction to get answers that reveal if something supports your energy system. 

O muscle testing works because of what quantum physics refers to as Quantum Entanglement. This theory is greatly researched and documented. However, you don’t need to understand or believe it for it to be accurate. As I alluded to with my reference to the “call” above, Quantum Entanglement implies that at the unconscious level you and your body know everything I know, and I know everything you and your body know. Muscle testing is the vehicle that allows us to communicate.

Many clients have benefited from the guidance available to them from my coaching system. It is designed to elevate you mentally, physically, and/or emotionally with the objective of making your life experience more satisfying. Please feel free to contact me should you wish to explore the progressive modality of my alignment test.

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