My Story

For nearly two decades, I was a managing director with the private banks of J.P. Morgan and Bank of New York Mellon.  My clients were some of the wealthiest families in the United States. It was my responsibility to guide them in achieving a better understanding of their financial goals and the necessary steps to get there. 

My parents were refugees who escaped life-threatening conditions and raised me to always make the most of my situation. From a modest suburban upbringing, I pursued my education and later moved to Manhattan with no financial support. I’m good at recognizing opportunities.

In Manhattan, my life and job in the fast-paced and highly competitive financial services industry led me to contemplate wealth, health, and happiness. How do we define wealth in today’s society? Can we improve our health? What, exactly, makes for a happy life?

My desire to determine the answers to these questions led me to become trained in several self-empowerment modalities and eventually drove me to resign from my highly-coveted wealth management position. I then continued to travel the world in order to study different cultures, spiritual understandings and philosophies such as mindfulness, yoga, and natural healing. The combined value of Western scientific, Eastern philosophical, and shamanic belief systems became clear to me. Our culture encourages rational, linear logic and discourages inner seeking and intuition. We need to blend the two.

Today, I combine my wealth management skills in uncovering clients’ priorities and strategic goals with my training in science-based modalities for well-being and various philosophical belief systems. I’ve become an inner wealth advisor. My work helps my clients better manage their stress and anxiety, optimize their health and finances, clarify their intentions, explore new possibilities, and thrive.

As a former corporate executive, I am all too familiar with the side-effects of modern life: too little sleep, adrenaline and cortisol rushes, suboptimal food, overscheduling, and a lack of presence that leads to disconnection from ourselves and the world around us. Balancing my own health and well-being taught me that our mind, body, and spirit are one. I applied a holistic approach to myself. It worked. I haven’t even taken an aspirin in over twenty years and am happy, healthy, and vibrant.

You can do it too.

My Professional Life

Sometimes, life has plans for us that differ from the plans we have made for ourselves. And sometimes, we need to ride the wave.

After nearly two decades as a senior executive in wealth management, I was no longer feeling satisfied. My situation wasn’t bad, but it was no longer great. I described it as “okay.” The problem was that I had never been someone who was okay with “okay.” I knew that it was time to apply all that I had learned about health, well-being, and purpose to myself.

It wasn’t an easy decision, but I resigned from the position I had worked doggedly to attain. I would take some time off before I decided what to do next.

After submitting my resignation, many people came to me asking how I could walk away from such a great career without a plan. These discussions often led them to also confide about their finances, health, lifestyle, and feeling trapped or uninspired. I realized that all my life people had been coming to me for advice and that I loved helping people integrate their practical needs with what they require in order to thrive rather than survive.

I found my new calling as an inner wealth advisor, helping people integrate and optimize their health, wellness and hearts’ desires by balancing their spiritual and practical needs.

My Clients

Clients who come to me are committed to their personal growth and well-being. They are open to new perspectives and ready to invest energy to achieve their desired results.

There is no typical client. I work with C-suite executives, corporate professionals, lawyers, entrepreneurs, individuals experiencing significant lifestyle changes due to death or divorce, those in other types of transition, college students, yogis, women returning to the workforce, and stay-at-home parents.

My background lends itself to a specialty with HSP’s (Highly Sensitive People), financial services, legal, and other corporate professionals, spiritual seekers, as well as those who have faced cultural or ethnic assimilation.


My Education & Training

I hold bachelors degrees in both economics and French from Rutgers College. I am a graduate of J.P. Morgan Chase’s Credit Training Program and have additional financial industry licenses.

I’m also trained in Transcendental Meditation (TM) and certified in applied positive psychology (the science-based study of human flourishing established by the pioneering work of Martin Seligman, PhD, at the University of Pennsylvania), holistic life coaching (mind, body, spirit), integrative life coaching (EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique, NLP – Neuro-Linguisitc Programming, hypnosis), color therapy, Bach flower essence therapy, and quantum wave healing.

In my coaching work, I draw on the full range of my background and often look to ancient wisdom to identify integrated solutions that will resonate with you in these modern times.

My Inspirations


If my practically-minded spiritual approach resonates with you, I’d like to invite you to a free 20-minute discovery call (in-person, phone, or Zoom) to determine if you could holistically benefit from my Integrative Solutions for Modern Life.

Contact Me!

If my practically-minded spiritual approach resonates with you, I’d like to invite you to a free 20-minute discovery call (in-person, phone, or Zoom) to determine if you could holistically benefit from my Integrative Solutions for Modern Life.

Friendly Disclaimer

Jasmine Bilali is a Holistic Life & Wellness Coach, but is not a doctor, dietician, or psychotherapist. Her advice is considered supplementary in nature and should not be a construed as a replacement for conventional medicine. Please consult your doctor or other licensed healthcare professional for any physical or psychological ailments you may be suffering from or think you may have. By attending any session provided by Jasmine Bilali, you acknowledge that in no event will Jasmine Bilali be liable in any way directly or indirectly for damages resulting from information, data, or classes provided or for the loss of profits through the use or misuse of said information, either via its use, negligence or other actions.